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Are you looking to get into the education field?

Medway Extended Day Inc (MEDI) is a non-profit, out-of-school-time provider since 1996. With a mission to support the holistic needs of children, MEDI fully believes learning extends well beyond the classroom, and OST Educators are a key component to building lifelong learning skills.


Being an educator at MEDI is a tremendous opportunity to gain experience in a fun and enriching after-school environment. The positions are ideal for college students, recent college graduates, or any professional who is interested in developing classroom, youth development, or mentoring skills.


There are innumerable ways to learn, grow and excel professionally, we respect this when we review applications and take a broad look at the experiences of each applicant. We want to get to know you and the unique strengths you will bring to the work.


Whether you have recently earned your Early Education Degree, or Certification, you’re a field veteran, or you’re looking to evolve your out-of-school time experience, MEDI may be a great fit for you.

Medway Extended Day

Grades K-4 | 508.533.7395 | 16 Cassidy Lane
Grades 5-6 | 508.254.3396
 | 45 Holliston Street
Medway, MA 02053

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